Wednesday, May 1, 2019


I got blasted on the News and Record Blog, as I knew I would be.  I am still the reigning "drama queen " and delusional "leftist," the one who imagines that so many of these white supremacists have been "inspired" by Trump's words and actions.  Some have so stated in their "manifesto," including some who reside in other countries.

Those are facts, but then such things are totally wasted on Trumpkins.

I've come to measure the quality of my letters by the amount of vitriol my opponents spew. One of them even referred to Bernie as a "cocksucker" this time around, the act of a hormonal adolescent.
I will not relent.  Some would advocate that I stop trying to reason with fools.  I'm not. I'm way past that.  Now I am just providing them with the opportunity to show other voters how twisted and delusional they really are...

They say that sometimes, as one gets older, they come to view certain things in a different way. That has certainly happened in my own case.

I now see how my prolonged association with Mary J cost me dearly.

I also see how some of my words and actions with difficult people, particularly during my time in the Catholic Schools, made situations worse than they were.

I've even come to question a lot of our military actions, including  even our involvement in Kuwait. I volunteered, was not drafted and was gun ho for the longest time.  Was I lured into going along with some things I should not have?

As a "transplanted" southerner, I went along, also, with the notion that southern secession was about...I guess the term might be southern "nationalism" and not merely slavery. Converts can be deluded and overly zealous in a lot of ways.

I believe I see things more clearly now. Agreed, it was not merely about slavery alone but part of a grand scheme to perpetuate a system of servitude that involved both black and white.  Less than 6% of southerners owned slaves, yet many of the remaining 94% were lured into defending that "system," facing for the notion that the "meddling yankees" were attacking our "way of life."  Few of those slave owners shared in the danger.  Many were exempt due to owning slaves.

"Rich man's war; poor man's fight."

Hundreds of thousands died in the effort to maintain the system of servitude. Perhaps the reason I know that so well, now, is because the same kind of things is and has been happening in current times.

Since WW 2, we have involved our military in conflicts with countries who, with the possible exception of Afghanistan, who harbored those who attacked us on 911, had been no direct threat to the United States.  Many of the actions, both overt and covert, have resulted from our wishing to seize resources we believe we needed or in an effort to overturn established governments we disagreed with and NOT as self defense.

Who are the overwhelming majority of those who enter the military?  The poor, the disadvantaged; that has been true for decades.

"Oil wars."

"Wars for profit."

President Eisenhower warned us about the "military -industrial complex."  War is very good for certain industries and individuals. Flag draped coffins coming home don't seem to matter anymore. Nor is it a new thing, either.

Recall the dark ages?  Yes, the one with serfs and lords and ladies, a very tiered society when the few prospered and all others paid and slaved.  Are we really that far away from that now?

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