Friday, April 27, 2018

I finally went off in them today...

spewed my rage on facebook, then thought  better of it and deleted the post.

I have been not reappointed.  Not that I really wanted to be.  But I wanted to have the choice, not have it thrust upon me..

I am told it was due to a staff reduction, caused by loss of enrollment.  Small surprise. Wouldn't have a kid of mine there.

No way.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

I am so....

unpredictable.....some might say schizophrenic ....

No quesation.

Decided to take the position at the charter school.  Not sure I fully understand why - not yet.
The cranes are back. And now they have a little one.

Monday, April 16, 2018

in a word....


Renaissance Charter represents everything I have spoken and written about for a decade.  They are leading  the charge for corporate takeover of public schools and are hip deep in the data obsession thing.....

I cannot be a part of that and look myself in the mirror in the morning....

Sunday, April 15, 2018

headed south this morning....

needed to get out of clermont, even  if for only a few hours.

Testing begins  tomorrow. Our world shall be flipped on its head for the remainder of the year.  They do it in a v very  odd way, here, a grade level at a time. Yet it disrupts the whole school for that day.

They do many odd things in Lake County, rt least, it seems that way to me.

true enough

Haven't determined just yet if the issue is a county or statewide thing or if it is just the way  the school is mismanaged.  Even Sister Natalie, at St. Pius X was more adept than this.

I am unquestioningly schitzophrenic.  I have an interview tomorrow at a local charter school. Just a possibility and not a likelihood.  I've liked interacting with students again, particularyly with science, but the trauma in November and the chaos with which the school has been managed have dampened it all.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The world is going nuts....

Trump has attacked Syria again and the Russian government is telling its people to prepare for a nuclear war, stocking up on supplies and battening down....

Reminds me of the Cuban Missile crisis, but this time, we have a fool at the helm, one who is suspected of being mentally unbalanced.  And  here I am, less than 25 miles from a primary target and less than 70 miles from a second one.

Truth be told, I would rather be close to a primary target rather than somewhere adjacent, where I could perish, slowly, from radiation poisoning.  Better a quick death than a lingering one.

Lordy, what a thought to have tonight...

Friday, April 13, 2018

9 days...

since I have posted here.

Ups and downs continue. And it won't get any better from here on out.  The kids were nuts today, all over the school.  This is what happens when the inmates rules the asylum all year. I've seen it before. All we can do is batten down the hatches and brace for the worst.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

it's been an up and down week

called some parents yesterday. will likely call more tomorrow.

A few bumps today but nothing like yesterday. I actually caught myself thinking of rescinding my resignation today.

gotta get that out of my head and right now!!!

Monday, April 2, 2018

rough day

but I don't plan on dwelling on it.

Tis the season. spring is here.

Actually, I am feeling a bit relieved today.

For awhile, there, I was having shortness of breath. Feared it was my heart. Felt no chest pain. Pulse was normal. Almost went to the ER one morning. Then I noticed that the stomach hurt just after I ate. Started taking pepto.  The symptoms have stopped.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

easter Sunday

didn't go to mass today. Haven't in awhile....

Not sure just why.

Anymore, any mention of Jesus or Christians just sends me running the opposite way. Never thought I WOULD ever come to a point like this.