Friday, November 23, 2018

I dislike this time of year

Thanksgiving and Christmas serve to remind me of the things I never really had, a family. I'm 70 in a few weeks.  One would think I would be over this by now. I'm not and suspect I never will be.

The closest thing I ever had to having a child of my own,  the woman you
see in this photo. Faith is now a missionary in Romania and is
expecting her 7th child.
The very last thing I ever wanted to become was a bitter, cynical, old man.  Eons ago, my elderly and crochetety aunt Mary predicted I would be some day.

Only wish I knew what I could do about it now...

Friday, November 16, 2018

another Friday

That doesn't hold the fascination that it once did.

Subbed at RCMS today - Spanish.  Even that doesn't hold much fascination for me.  Not sure just what that means...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

still here...

Haven't been around for awhile now...

Wasn't sure I would be coming back, but here I am.

Thankfully, we've some breathing room in the congress now, with democrats regaining control of the House.  Had that not happened, I would not have given democracy long to live in America.

I had begun drawing up plans to emigrate to Central America.  Somewhat relieved I won't have to do that least, not yet.

tRUMP seems about to go off the deep end.  He has never heard the word "no" and cannot handle it. It's anyone 's guess what he might do next.

This past weekend was Veterans Day.  Neither he nor his Vice President went to Arlington to honor the fallen. Don't believe that has ever happened before.
He was in Europe but didn't go to the 100th anniversary of the armistice ending WW I because it was raining, the only major "leader" to do that. Once more he met with Putin, on Veteran's day of all times.

Been subbing at RCMS regularly.  It's just a relief, a massive relief that I am not in Clermont, Florida.