Thursday, March 28, 2019

The man and his people are nuts!

Now, in order to get funds for his border wall, his education secretary sought to delete funding for special olympics - 18 million dollars.  He's also looking at drawing money away from much needed military building projects, like a new water system for Camp LeJeune. Their water has been problematic for years.

I wonder if the military is still fond of Trump after this...

Sunday, March 24, 2019

I'm back to avoiding the news, again

Mueller's report seems like a disappointment and I gotta know trump is gonna claim exoneration and use his victimhood to garner votes.  He'll say it was all a "witch hunt."  And his base will eat it up.

Yes he did.  But I've begun to have my doubts about Bernie's chances.  He has more challengers in the progressive/moderate realm this time and the neolibs are already targeting him.  We could have a split amongst the progressive/moderate vote again and if that means four more years of trump, then our country is toast.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

As I believe I have said several times...

None of this is going to end well.

Nary a day passes without him doing or saying something hateful and divisive.

His vitriol is spreading around the world now.  He was most recently cited by the New Zealand mass killer as an inspiration.

Hate crimes and hate groups are on the rise in this country.

He and congress are at an impasse regarding his "national emergency" over the "wall."

Meantime, Russia is gearing up to help him steal the 2020 election, just as he did the 2016 one. The man is a traitor.  Never believed I would ever say that about a sitting president but there it is. I can no longer deny it.

  • he seeks to weaken or eliminate NATO - much to the delight of Putin
  • he disbelieves and disrespects our FBI and CIA, refusing to believe or consider their intelligence information, preferring, instead, to believe the Russians.
  • he pals around with Saudi despots who murder

Yet, despite all that, his "base" adores him.

If and when he is turned out of office, either by impeachment or by election, he will not go quietly. They'll be claims of election fraud, perhaps the calling of a national emergency which allows him to remain in power.

This is a man who aspires, I believe, to be a "president for life" as Papa Doc, Idi Amin and the current president of China are/were.  

That too used to her hyperbole in my mind.  No anymore.

My epic tale And Reap the Whirlwind could easily become reality.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Yes, I've been "radicalized"

Little doubt about that.

I've honestly come to believe that. Last night, while browsing Amazon videos, I came upon with done by what appeared to be evangelicals.

"Don't want to listen to those damn Christians," I uttered, to my shock and amazement.

I hate it. I do. Never believed I could be pushed this far.

"Religion" used to be the very center of my life.  Now...

"religion" has become anathema to me.

How did this ever happen?

Still working on my next major work My Country Tis of Thee and the more research I do, the more radicalized I become.  The people calling the shots right now are evil and selfish.  Judgmental? Yes. But regrettably, it's true.  I cannot help but believe that anymore.

CEOs of Pharma and insurance companies make tens of millions a year.  Who pays for those exorbitant salaries?  People who get denied health care.  And some of those people die when that happens.  It matters not to the oligarchs.  Those people are just stats, nothing more.  Their god is profit.

Trump and his people are now seeking to slash both medicare and social security, saying they cause the federal deficit to rise.  Those things are not and never have been part of the budget. They are funded by a operate tax that all working people pay.  What they are doing is stealing money from the working people to pay for their unfunded wars and their tax cuts for the billionaires. Harsh?  Reality is often harsh.

Never put much stock into the notion that republicans were just for the rich, but I do now.

A more serious issue is that I feel that too many corporate funded democrats are too.

Trump is in office today because Hillary Clinton represented that corporate wing of the Democratic Party.  Too many working people knew it. I did.

Bernie Sanders got the muddy end of the stick because the party regulars felt that Hillary was heiress apparent and rigged things in her favor.  Had the playing field been at all level, Bernie Sanders would have won and likely would be our president today.

I voted for Hillary Clinton, most reluctantly because I knew that Donald Trump was no more than a corporate thug.  Some of my fellow Sandernistas either voted for the Green Party or stayed home. That and some foreign intervention " elected" Donald Trump.  Don't think the playing field was level then either, at least, not in the electoral college.  Hillary outpolled Trump by 3 million votes.  We elect senators and governors by direct, popular vote.  Why not presidents?

I get ridiculed on the editorial blog on the News and record site when I liken trump to hitler, but I am certainly not the only one to do that.  Increasingly more people see parallels.  They're there, like them or not.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Now he's threatened us...

The Senate joined the House of Representatives today in voting down Trump's "emergency."  His response was to say that his military, police and bikers might have to get "tough" with his detractors.  A page right out of Mein Kampf.

This isn't going to end well...

Just imagine what he will do if the House of representatives votes to impeach.  His supporters will utterly lose their minds, of course.

Perhaps that "civil war" some have spoken about might happen. I certainly hope not.

Monday, March 11, 2019

sitting in the Baltimore airport...

Been here for hours.  Won't be boarding for another hour and a half.

The miscreants brought me this morning.  For awhile I was uncertain about if or how I would get here. More results of non meticulous planning; my return flight was out of Baltimore and NOT DC. Won't use cheap flights anymore.  Bought trip insurance. It was totally worthless when I sought to change my reservations. No more.

And so my great DC adventure comes to a conclusion.

Well, it will once I get back to Orlando.  Then it's back to the old routine. There are days I don't mind that and then there are others....

I've a myriad of feelings over it.  While I have enjoyed being back at teaching science, it isn't really the same as it was. Too many kids in Florida are brats.  I think I will be glad when the school year is over at last and I can return to being the itinerant author.

Will I still miss the interaction with staff and students?  Don't honestly know....

My country tis of thee

Ignorant land of bigotry?

Dear Lord, I hope not, but there are times I wonder.

Sound crazy, but there are also times I  believe this.

How is it I have come to own such a cynical view of the land of my birth?  It's gotten, lately, that I don't even want to say the pledge to the flag. That's serious.

Our situation is not going to end well, I fear.  Evil is loose in the land and, like roaches, it is never easy to get rid of.

Friday, March 8, 2019

A disturbing thought...

Trump's approval is up to 46%, the highest it's been in a long time.  Over 40% now say they are likely to vote to reelect.  Defeating an incumbent is always difficult.

I now fear Trump will be re-elected.

Monday, March 4, 2019

the 2020 election will be an ordeal.

I fear it will become about this:

Socialism is a poisoned term.  So many have a knee jerk action to it.  Republithugs will use this to distort and confuse.  It's how they win.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

I'm gonna be in trouble again....

My latest letter to the editor, pending publication....

“Religion” has taken a real beating over the past two years. Makes me sad.  Christ established His “church” but mankind screwed things up and made what was a faith community into a “religion.” Things have gone downhill ever since.

“Faith without works is dead,” St. James told us. Evangelicals preachers living in multi-million dollar homes tell us that the “poor” are a drain on our resources and that your financial status is an indication of how blessed your relationship is with the almighty.  

“Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.” — Matthew 7:1-2

These same preachers advocate summary execution of gays and decry the death of the “unborn,” yet fail to advocate for the benefit of poor children. Inconsistency?

The problem with Christianity is NOT with the faith itself, but with its misuse and misinterpretation.

“ It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.”

― Billy Graham

For me, that makes it abundantly clear.