Sunday, December 31, 2017
and so...
2017 is history at midnight.
Good riddance!!!
/sone medical excitement on this, the final day of 2017. Driving south own church street extension, enroute to a gathering of leftist miscreants, I was suddenly overcome by dizziness and nausea and had to pull off the road abruptly.
My first thought: a heart attack.I was headed for the great beyond. I quickly said an act of contrition and hunted for my cell phone, to call 9!!. Could not find it, of all times... After a few minutes of sitting, my head cleared enough and I drove south, cautiously, at last arriving at Moses Cone ER. Could not find the patient entrance at first and it was COLD today.
Made my way inside and they quickly took me in when I uttered the phrase "heart patient." Blood work, vitals, CAT scan....
Ear rocks. What? Ear rocks (like kidney stones) had formed in my ears and thrown may sense of balance out of whack.
I'm home and have some meds to deal with the nausea and dizziness. Feel better now.
Miss my much anticipated meeting with other "leftists." Drat.
Didn't to much but rest this week. It's what I needed to do anyway.
On my way south tomorrow sometime. Won't be staying up to watch the ball drop. No matter. Don't have any cable here anyhow...
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Headed back the day after tomorrow
My time here seemed incredibly brief. Mixed feelings for sure. Won;'t miss the cold here in Carolina. I will miss some of the people here. Met up with two of them for lunch today, one of them a former student, decades ago. Natasha lost her father not long ago and is still trying to work things out with that. Think I saw some signs of recovery today. for her sake, I hope I did.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
at least they didn't put me in the hospital.
269 pounds
BP: 161/91
My BP meds are being doubled.
I might as well have never done the lap band. All the weight is back. All of it.
Discouraged. Not gonna ponder it anymore just now. Things MUST change; no option, or it will be game set and match.
Very cold again today. It is December.
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I want to believe this. Lately, I've been having my doubts. |
Heard back, via email, from sybil. She rarely responds. She, too, is discouraged. Things at her Virginia school are similar to mine in Florida. Admin is overwhelmed. The crazies are everywhere. She drives to and from school with a gun in her car, something that could get her fired if it was discovered on school grounds.
It deludes,. I deceives. It makes people crazy.
She commented on my move to Costa Rica, says she does not blame me. My health doesn't improve and that becomes a pipe dream, one I will never realize.
When democrats won the Senate seat in Alabama and two attempts at repealing Obamacare failed, I was hopeful. Maybe we could turn things around.
Now, with the tax reform passage, I am despaired again. Next up on the target list is social security and medicare.
How could this have happened?
What ca be done?
Not much, at the moment. Not until the 2018 elections and maybe not even then.
The enemy holds the high ground. So does stupid. We are outnumbered but only because so many are either apathetic, deluded, or just dirt water dumb.
We are, indeed, a nation of sheep and we are being led to the slaughter.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
and going to get yet colder
an arctic blast of air is on the way; snow has already been mentioned. 32 for a high tomorrow. Meantime, it's 76 in Clermont...
Kind of a low key visit this go around. Not scheduled to see anyone until Sunday afternoon, when the aged leftists gather. I head back to Florida the next day.
Dental visit today; teeth cleaning. Cardio tomorrow. My BP was high today. At least the feet are not swelling to the degree they did.
It almost seems like open revolt is our only option anymore. The enemy holds all the cards, the White House, both houses of congress and the court. They control most state houses and state legislatures. And the oligarchs are pressing their advantage too.
Seems as those many have gone over to the dark side, believing Trump's lies or have just become disgusted and given up.
I have to admit that I am close to being in that second group. Already looking for information on relocating to Costa Rica.....
And I hate that.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
and it's cold Too!
In the thirties..and there is mention on snow in a few days. So long as it doesn't strand me here in the Carolinas....
Odd, I never thought for a moment that I would use the word "strand" in regards to North Carolina.
Yes, I plan to return to Florida next week. While I am no longer raving angry about what happened, I do have some misgivings. Who wouldn't?
It's no longer complicated. Indeed, it is just as I said from the outset: if they don't want me, tell me, and I will will motor on home. Told them that verbally, at the "discipline" meeting for the world to hear. I mean it still. Something awful happens again and they don't need to bother with any kind of an investigation.. I will pack up that every day and head out.
It is my hope and prayer that that will never happen again .
Cold and dreary weather always gets me down. It's been like that a fair amount of the time since I returned here. It is finally sunny today.
I recall, during those few years I resided in the midwest, how entire weeks would be like that. It always depressed me.
I once more find myself thinking of leaving the country and relocating to Costa Rica. I've toyed with it before. There's no military there, a reasonably stable democracy and the temperature is almost constant, year round, the only difference being between the rainy and dry seasons.
I just do not like the kind of a country we have become and now find myself wondering if we will ever be able to find out way back.
It goes deeper than politics although I fault the republicans more than the dumocrats. Both are dominated by the oligarchs; voters know it too and that is why Clinton did not win, that and the fact that she is female. Going from the first non white president to the first female one was just a leap we were not prepared to make.
There is more bigotry and intolerance than I ever believed. Nazis blatantly chanting "You will not replace us" and splouiting Nazi propaganda and slogans....never saw it coming. Still don't believe it.
Well, yes I do. I have seen it. I have heard it. It just defies understanding.
And "Christian" people are leading the proverbial charge.
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and I cannot help but think that... |
So many alleged followers of the carpenter's son have forgotten the words that He spoke or, at least, their true meaning. They are obsessed with controlling others, forcing us to follow THEIR rules, their intepretations of the Master's word.
Guns, gays and abortion. Somehow they have persuaded the small minded that the feds are after their guns, that the gay shall inherit the earth and that they must opposed abortion, no matter what. They say they are "pro-life," yet they favor capital punishment, deny veterans the benefits we have earned and have a right to, and would deny children the good and medical care they need.
How does that fit it in with "do this for the least...."????
Answer: it doesn't.
God is NOT a republican. Jesus DEFINETLY is not.
The sole reason the re;publithugs pushed through their most recent atrocity, the tax "cut" is that they have convinced a LOT of people to vote against their own best interests.
There is a lot of stupid in this country right now. Getting rid of stupid is like ridding oneself of roaches....
Leaving the country will involve working, most likely, another year. It will take that long to eliminate all my debts, to either fix the house or dump it and leave now strings attaching me to the mother country .
Should I go, I most likely will never come back. The thought of that is the only thing making me hesitate.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Home again
Took me a bit longer than I thought. Traffic on 95 was impossible. It's cold. No surprise. It is winter now.
Not even going to think about school until the end of this week.
Another Christmas Day by myself. I don't like Christmas. Haven't for a long time.
Not even going to think about school until the end of this week.
Another Christmas Day by myself. I don't like Christmas. Haven't for a long time.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Made it to Christmas break.....
I remain traumatized by what happened, but I have survived and I do not feel the searing rage I did at one time, not so long ago.
That in itself is a great relief.
Attended a union meeting last evening. Not so optimistic about that. I will remain a union member but will attend no more union meetings. The new building rep has his own "agenda" and it seems to me he will use his position as a "bully pulpit" to push it. I will have none of that. The man is a high school teacher, by philosophy and by attitude. too many here are.
A notion was discussed about adjusting scheduling and approach at clms and the man was emphatic against it and would consider no other view point. He wasn't particularly diplomatic about it either.
I got up and left. Chances were good that I might say something I would later regret. Didn't want that to happen.
Sitting at the local Mazda dealer awaiting repairs; both my low beam headlights went out at once. Cannot drive home like that. Once they are repaired, it is my intent to depart as soon as I can.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
today was peculiar...
It just was....
came to school, expecting to be persona non grata. Expected the cold shoulder. I was the "enemy," the one questioned it all.
I did not and will NOT go back on a word of what I said. Not a syllable. What I said needed saying.
None of what I expected actually happened. Like before, I was greeted cordially. The kids were no different. Neither was any member of the administration.
Another midterm exam day. Two of them. We also dug for fossils. The kids were ecstatic. They loved it. Long day. It was that. One more and we begin winter break.
The Griffins are trying to reestablish contact. I got a FB greeting and an email, wishing me a happy 69th birthday. Mike says he still considers me a friend. I do not share his assessment of the situation. I must resist!!!!
Left school relatively early. didn't bring that much home with me, but will deal with the little I brought.
I think all the furor over discipline actually did some good. Reaction to situations has been steady and relatively swift the last few days. Maybe we got their attention.
As I headed north on highway 27, with my top down, I realized that the anger is gone.
I don't feel it anymore.
Most peculiar.
came to school, expecting to be persona non grata. Expected the cold shoulder. I was the "enemy," the one questioned it all.
I did not and will NOT go back on a word of what I said. Not a syllable. What I said needed saying.
None of what I expected actually happened. Like before, I was greeted cordially. The kids were no different. Neither was any member of the administration.
Another midterm exam day. Two of them. We also dug for fossils. The kids were ecstatic. They loved it. Long day. It was that. One more and we begin winter break.
The Griffins are trying to reestablish contact. I got a FB greeting and an email, wishing me a happy 69th birthday. Mike says he still considers me a friend. I do not share his assessment of the situation. I must resist!!!!
Left school relatively early. didn't bring that much home with me, but will deal with the little I brought.
I think all the furor over discipline actually did some good. Reaction to situations has been steady and relatively swift the last few days. Maybe we got their attention.
As I headed north on highway 27, with my top down, I realized that the anger is gone.
I don't feel it anymore.
Most peculiar.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Spilled my guts....
I was one of two who did. Others all sided with the status quo. Tonight I feel like a fool./
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
IU am feeling bit schizophrenic...
ine dayI feel the anger subsiding...the next, it flares yet again....
As I have said, I have never handled difficulty well; not ever.
The discipline meeting is in two days...on my 69th birthday....
I plan to spill my guts.
As I have said, I have never handled difficulty well; not ever.
The discipline meeting is in two days...on my 69th birthday....
I plan to spill my guts.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
wonder if I will ever get over this completely....
Never been good at letting things go. It's no different this time.
Have seen three people, two of them men, do the very same thing I was persecuted for. Today I attended a dance, where the perpetrators were allowed to be in residence. It's like what they did never happened and I am furious.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Still conflicted
Got a call this morning offering an interview for a 5th grade position at a local elementary school. I was tempted, for about 0.6 seconds.
I came south to teach 6th grade science. I will do that or go home to Carolina.
I refuse to hold back on my feelings. I posted this on facebook this evening. No more worrying about offending facebook friends. This is war. We must win.
"The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who, in times of crisis, chose to remain neutral"
The union meeting is going forward after all. Mr M. made it sound like he was hosting it, a technique he is apparently known for doing.
I will speak at the meeting and will tell how I feel. Some will not because of fear. I fear none. I can just go home and I will.
A miracle happened in Alabama....deep red Alabama; a democrat won a senate election. I feared the republithug would, despite his being a creep. I am ecstatic at being wrong. It is the first time in months that I feel hope, real hope. And I love it.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Now I am conflicted ...
And I hate it.
There is a big meeting coming up. Two meetings actually.
One involves the union, meeting with the superintendent over conditions at CLMS.
Been there before. Didn't go well at all.
The other involves an admin arranged meeting with what amounts to the second in command. Mr. M is trying to cover himself. Wants to address "rumors." One rumor claims he is looking at eliminating art class. He denies that emphatically. I have not heard about that.
Mr. M also claims he is not "after" anyone over referrals or their involvement with the discipline committee. That one I have heard about. I sort of believe it.
From the start, I have heard (and seen) that admin does not back us. The kids run the school. They do. That is the reason they felt empowered enough to do what they did to me. And I am not the only one that's being harassed and bullied.
Bullied...never though I would ever apply that term to me. Never. But it's true. It's happening.
These kinds of things seldom end well.
Bureaucracy will defend itself and its own. I did not come south to deal with this....
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
I didn't want to go this morning
didn't want to.
My second day back was okay, but I am becoming more and more aggrieved at admin every hour.
My second day back was okay, but I am becoming more and more aggrieved at admin every hour.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Jensen Beach
Sitting here at the Cafe.
Earlier I sat at a table just across from the beach itself. Haven't been on the beach as of yet, but I plan to be.
Just posted my lesson plans for the week. It's the only school work I've done so far this weekend. I'm about three hours drive away from Clermont. Will do a little when I get there.
Notice I have not yet ever referred to 'Clermont as "home."
It isn't.
Already decided this is a one year thing. It might not last that long.
I am STILL angry.
Time to go down and sit in the surf for awhile.....
I did. Got too intimate with some waves and got dragged, face first, across the sand. Some people had to help me get to my feet.
I hate growing old.
Earlier I sat at a table just across from the beach itself. Haven't been on the beach as of yet, but I plan to be.
Just posted my lesson plans for the week. It's the only school work I've done so far this weekend. I'm about three hours drive away from Clermont. Will do a little when I get there.
Notice I have not yet ever referred to 'Clermont as "home."
It isn't.
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And they ARE!!! |
I am STILL angry.
Time to go down and sit in the surf for awhile.....
I did. Got too intimate with some waves and got dragged, face first, across the sand. Some people had to help me get to my feet.
I hate growing old.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Stuart, Florida
I will going over to the beach in the morning.
This has been a hell of a three weeks. Needed to get away. So I did.
The GOP passed it's tax reform. God help us. They aren't even bothering to hide or mask their intentions anymore.
Obamacare is gutted.
Social security and medicare are next.
Democracy on the ropes.
Where is this going to end?
Will it?
Something happened when I arrived at CLMS yesterday morning. Anger. A lot of it.
Got a few quizzical looks. I was told that one student called me "Mr. Perv." The overwhelming number of students were delighted to see him. Three insisted on hugging me. THEY did it. I did not.
Mr. M "counseled"me. I absolutely HATE that. Told me to high five and not hug and no more covering eyes.
That is what this thing has been about all along. I've seen other teachers hug too. Why was I the only one sanctioned? Answer? Because four students decided to target me. One told another to go over and get me to put buy arm around her and he would take a photo with his cell phone.
A setup. A freaking ambush.
Why? Because students feel empowered. They feel they can bully not only one another, but teachers and teacher assistants too. And I haven't been the only one.
I am still angry tonight. Gotta get my head straight. Got to or I am going to say or do something I should not.
Already got into a bit of a shouting match with one of the Ops. Told her we were setting ourselves up for a lawsuit.
We are.
A few weeks back, a high school student blew his brains out because he was being bullied and nothing was being done about it, just like at CLMS.
My first morning back, the principal proclaimed that use of profanity will get an automatic suspension from school. Bad words. A suspension. But threatening students and teachers, harassing them...
This sucks. It really does.
Makes me want to pack up and go home. I very nearly did. Anything else happens and I will, immediately.
I was told that students went to the office in tears over my being gone, that parents emailed and raised a fuss. One of them asked straight out where I had been. I did not reply fully. Mr. M advised me not to. My estimation of him has dipped significantly. I no longer have any respect for any of the admin. None of them.
Another student asked me if I was going to go away again. My departure will upset a lot of people, should that happen. I know that.
But how much is a guy supposed to take??????
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Our meeting this morning went very well. I am relieved (very) but still concerned.
Tentatively, I return tomorrow or, at the latest, Monday.
This has been an ordeal.
So things are not so very bad as I had feared. That happens a lot for me. Wish it didn't.
I AM THINKING I need to get out of the education business for good, after this year. So many times my intentions have been misunderstood. Same thing this time. It seems the concern was that some of the girls were concerned about my hugging them. Guess I should have been more aware. I'm told they will be removed from my classes and placed elsewhere, to protect all concerned.
guess who, cute lil stinkbug! |
Still very concerned about how I will be perceived, particularly considering that I have been gone for three weeks. The "word" is out, without a doubt.
I need to get away, this weekend, out of my RV, out of Lake County. Got to get my head right.
It's over.
Thank the Good Lord Above, it is OVER.
Mr. M tells me that students have come to them in tears, worrying they weren't going to see me anymore. When he told me that, I had to fight off the tears myself. A parent even contacted him, saying her daughter really needs me to be her teacher.
This has been a HORRIBLE three weeks, horrible.
It's over.
Thank the Good Lord Above, it is OVER.
Mr. M tells me that students have come to them in tears, worrying they weren't going to see me anymore. When he told me that, I had to fight off the tears myself. A parent even contacted him, saying her daughter really needs me to be her teacher.
This has been a HORRIBLE three weeks, horrible.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Today might be the day....
Spent much of the last 19 days doing that. Am kind of tired of it...
Who knows what today will bring. I will know shortly...
Hold the presses.
The investigator did not show this morning and was in another meeting of some kind. He wants to reschedule for tomorrow morning.
The union rep says it would be good if I had proof that Mr. M said it was okay to hug students. My fear is that something else has come up, what I don't know.
The old paranoia is kicking into high gear. Rats.
I have emailed the union rep twice and he has not replied. Asked him if something else was wrong.
Silence is deafening.
Mr. M emailed someone about girls being "creeped out" by my side hugs. Nuts. Just when I thought this thing was settled.
Odd, particularly when Mr. M told us it was okay to give side hugs. He did.
Maybe it's just better that I go on home to Carolina....
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The nightmare may be over...
But I will know more in the morning.
This has been a "god=awful" couple of weeks.
Just spoke to the investigator; he told me it is likely I will be back at CLMS by the end of the week.
The question remains, I REALLY want to?
This morning, I met with my school next door neighbor who told me that one of her students blurted out that I got "fired for sexual assault." So the rumor is out there. She has heard nothing more since then, but with men, the innuendo is enough sometimes.
Two ways to go at this:
If I do disappear, it will be assumed I was indeed guilty of some terrible transgression. Does that matter to me, since I will never see nor talk to any of these people ever again? A conundrum. I've said I no longer care what anyone thinks of me. Guess I will find out now if I really believe that.
Should I return, the very best kind of "revenge" will be to pick up where I left off as though nothing happened. Trouble is that it DID. Can I, indeed, just pick up and go on?
Gonna have to decide by tomorrow.
This has been a "god=awful" couple of weeks.
Just spoke to the investigator; he told me it is likely I will be back at CLMS by the end of the week.
The question remains, I REALLY want to?
This morning, I met with my school next door neighbor who told me that one of her students blurted out that I got "fired for sexual assault." So the rumor is out there. She has heard nothing more since then, but with men, the innuendo is enough sometimes.
Two ways to go at this:
If I do disappear, it will be assumed I was indeed guilty of some terrible transgression. Does that matter to me, since I will never see nor talk to any of these people ever again? A conundrum. I've said I no longer care what anyone thinks of me. Guess I will find out now if I really believe that.
Should I return, the very best kind of "revenge" will be to pick up where I left off as though nothing happened. Trouble is that it DID. Can I, indeed, just pick up and go on?
Gonna have to decide by tomorrow.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Hopefully the issue will be resolved today
Still waiting here in the bus garage.
Just want this over and done, one way or another.
If I need to head home to Carolina, then let's do it. If not, and they'll take me back at CLMS, then fine, let's do that too.
The waiting is the worst.....
Almost 3 PM and still no word. Maybe I should not be so impatient but I am.
Science fair projects are due tomorrow. There is going to be enough of a logjam....that is, assuming they even have me back art CLMS. My next door neighbor reported that the head of the science department spoke of "when" (not if) I come back; my neighbor has been very optimistic from the start. Wish I had her outlook. I could sure benefit from it.
Just want this over and done, one way or another.
If I need to head home to Carolina, then let's do it. If not, and they'll take me back at CLMS, then fine, let's do that too.
The waiting is the worst.....
Almost 3 PM and still no word. Maybe I should not be so impatient but I am.
Science fair projects are due tomorrow. There is going to be enough of a logjam....that is, assuming they even have me back art CLMS. My next door neighbor reported that the head of the science department spoke of "when" (not if) I come back; my neighbor has been very optimistic from the start. Wish I had her outlook. I could sure benefit from it.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
here I am
What a journey.
Nothing like the trip down with the RV, towing the Miata behind. That wS 16 HOURS of hell.
12 hours on the road yesterday and about 5 today, but that was due to 'thanksgiving traffic. And that little Miata is much more maneuverable than the RV.
Back to the bus garage tomorrow. The investigation is still ongoing. Just exchanged e mails with the investigator, telling me that one student did, in fact, say people would be reading about me. He replied, saying he hoped I was still able to have a good holiday, despite everything. I replied that I have known the truth from the start about all this and so I did. He asked me to clarify what I meant by the truth and I told him that I've known from the beginning I did nothing inappropriate.
Just waiting for this process to play out. Hope it will and soon.
Still not certain I want to do this anymore. That's not good.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Almost in Georgia. I would already be in Florida, by now, but I 95 is a virtual parking lot. Stopped now at a Waffle House for dinner and hoping the traffic will clear. Not real hopeful. This is Thanksgiving "going home"traffic. Was hoping I would miss that. Wrong.
Tried to check into the local motel 6; the last room was taken by the person in line in front of me. It was a smoking room anyhow. Can't stand being in one of those no kind of a way.
Tired. Didn't know how much until I stopped. It's usually like that. Guess I will just have to get back on the road after this and motor on.
Now and then I find myself pondering my possible return to CLMS and still, I feel uncomfortable about doing that. Not certain I can do it.
So do I just collect my RV and head back?
The thought sure is tempting, believe me.
But it's never easy with me. Sure, I could go back to subbing at RCMS. The people there REALLY want me to do that.
Bug bombed the house, again, as I left today. Not sure how much good it will do. Bugs weren't as bad as before, but they are still there. Not good.
No one bothered me during my stay. Didn't even see the Red necks across the street but once. Ma Barker, of course, is history. Saw her new occupants briefly, but didn't say anything to them.
This morning, early, before the sun, I threw on winter jacket and, still dressed in running shorts (LOL!) was going to walk around the block, blindfolded, just to find out what it would be like. yeah, I am weird like that, I guess. I walked a short distance, then took off the blindfold. Kept veering to my right and into neighbor's yards. Not good. I abandoned my adventure, went back to the house and then, abandoned my plan to depart early (0600) and went back to bed.
Geez...might not be in this predicament if I had done that. Might not have. No guarantees.
Didn't depart until after 10 AM.
I plan on coming back December 21st, less than a month from now. It's entirely possible it could happen before that. Won't know for sure until I return. I will spend at least one more day at the bus garage, as the investigation wraps up. Then, who knows?
The kids are going to ask when I get back, assuming that I do, in fact, do that. What will I say? What can I say? Not been in this situation before.
Might try the blindfolded walk around the block again, when I get back, very early in the morning, of course, so as not to encounter any traffic. My neighborhood is strange, like me; it has traffic at all times, albeit sporadic and occasional.
What if one of my neighbors sees me skulking about blindfolded?
So what? I will never know and as I have said, time and again, I don't really care, any longer, what anyone thinks of me. I've come to realize that I actually don't.
Met with the group I refer to as the "revolutionaries," yesterday at Natty Greene's. Most of us are seniors and kind of "liberal" (hate that term) in our outlook. We met via writing letters on the news and record blog and via Facebook. Life has been turbulent for us over the past year, watching our country going down the proverbial tubes. But it's been people like us who have kept the"heat" on and the ACA is still with us because of that. Some republicans realized the folly of their own parties path and veered off of it. The next big thing is the criminal "tax reform" bill they have in the congress. The house has already passed it. No surprise there. We're hoping the few maverick republicans in the Senate will keep that from happening there. No telling.
It's peculiar. Republicans have control of both houses of congress, the white house and a right leaning Supreme Court and they still cannot manage to ram their regressive agenda through....not YET anyhow.
Time to get back on the road....
Kingsland, Georgia tonight, three miles from the Florida line. Back in Clermont by tomorrow morning, late.
Tried to check into the local motel 6; the last room was taken by the person in line in front of me. It was a smoking room anyhow. Can't stand being in one of those no kind of a way.
Tired. Didn't know how much until I stopped. It's usually like that. Guess I will just have to get back on the road after this and motor on.
Now and then I find myself pondering my possible return to CLMS and still, I feel uncomfortable about doing that. Not certain I can do it.
So do I just collect my RV and head back?
The thought sure is tempting, believe me.
![]() |
And this is how I feel right about now. |
Bug bombed the house, again, as I left today. Not sure how much good it will do. Bugs weren't as bad as before, but they are still there. Not good.
No one bothered me during my stay. Didn't even see the Red necks across the street but once. Ma Barker, of course, is history. Saw her new occupants briefly, but didn't say anything to them.
This morning, early, before the sun, I threw on winter jacket and, still dressed in running shorts (LOL!) was going to walk around the block, blindfolded, just to find out what it would be like. yeah, I am weird like that, I guess. I walked a short distance, then took off the blindfold. Kept veering to my right and into neighbor's yards. Not good. I abandoned my adventure, went back to the house and then, abandoned my plan to depart early (0600) and went back to bed.
Geez...might not be in this predicament if I had done that. Might not have. No guarantees.
Didn't depart until after 10 AM.
I plan on coming back December 21st, less than a month from now. It's entirely possible it could happen before that. Won't know for sure until I return. I will spend at least one more day at the bus garage, as the investigation wraps up. Then, who knows?
The kids are going to ask when I get back, assuming that I do, in fact, do that. What will I say? What can I say? Not been in this situation before.
Might try the blindfolded walk around the block again, when I get back, very early in the morning, of course, so as not to encounter any traffic. My neighborhood is strange, like me; it has traffic at all times, albeit sporadic and occasional.
What if one of my neighbors sees me skulking about blindfolded?
So what? I will never know and as I have said, time and again, I don't really care, any longer, what anyone thinks of me. I've come to realize that I actually don't.
Met with the group I refer to as the "revolutionaries," yesterday at Natty Greene's. Most of us are seniors and kind of "liberal" (hate that term) in our outlook. We met via writing letters on the news and record blog and via Facebook. Life has been turbulent for us over the past year, watching our country going down the proverbial tubes. But it's been people like us who have kept the"heat" on and the ACA is still with us because of that. Some republicans realized the folly of their own parties path and veered off of it. The next big thing is the criminal "tax reform" bill they have in the congress. The house has already passed it. No surprise there. We're hoping the few maverick republicans in the Senate will keep that from happening there. No telling.
It's peculiar. Republicans have control of both houses of congress, the white house and a right leaning Supreme Court and they still cannot manage to ram their regressive agenda through....not YET anyhow.
Time to get back on the road....
Kingsland, Georgia tonight, three miles from the Florida line. Back in Clermont by tomorrow morning, late.
Friday, November 24, 2017
I start back tomorrow
Went to thanksgiving lunch with the Daniel clan and dinner with the Thompsons, both by invitation. It was good seeing them.
I've got to believe the meme on my left. Have to.
These aren't the most turbulent times in my life. I have seen far worse. Yet I have once again come to understand how my mother wound up with the mindset she did.
"Dogs are loyal; people stink."
Yes, she was inebriated when she said that, but it's the thought that counts most.
I remain determined NOT to wind up with that attitude. Don't want to lose that particular battle. I do and I have lost that soul I just mentioned. There are difficult people in the world. Evil ones too. But there are the other kind as well; lots of them. Gotta remember that.
So yes, I am heading back to Florida tomorrow morning, early. The issue with me is very nearly settled. Not 100% sure, yet, just what I will do when it is. Not 100% certain what I SHOULD do.
Much will be determined by the final findings of the investigation. Right now, most think I will be reinstated at CLMS. The union rep is certain of it. But he could be wrong.
There's a chance I will be moved somewhere else. Do I want that? I went to Florida to teach 6th grade science. If I can no longer do that...
Why is it that, too often, life is a conundrum for me?
I've got to believe the meme on my left. Have to.
These aren't the most turbulent times in my life. I have seen far worse. Yet I have once again come to understand how my mother wound up with the mindset she did.
"Dogs are loyal; people stink."
Yes, she was inebriated when she said that, but it's the thought that counts most.
I remain determined NOT to wind up with that attitude. Don't want to lose that particular battle. I do and I have lost that soul I just mentioned. There are difficult people in the world. Evil ones too. But there are the other kind as well; lots of them. Gotta remember that.
So yes, I am heading back to Florida tomorrow morning, early. The issue with me is very nearly settled. Not 100% sure, yet, just what I will do when it is. Not 100% certain what I SHOULD do.
Much will be determined by the final findings of the investigation. Right now, most think I will be reinstated at CLMS. The union rep is certain of it. But he could be wrong.
There's a chance I will be moved somewhere else. Do I want that? I went to Florida to teach 6th grade science. If I can no longer do that...
Why is it that, too often, life is a conundrum for me?
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
still somewhat compromised, I guess...
the thought of returning to CLMS makes me feel cold inside...not at all sure it's what I want to do.
Why visit to RCMS complicates things. They want me back and said so, several times.
Not at all sure what to do....
Seems to be the thing to do, anymore, in the land of the "free." Worse yet, so many delusional people at or near (or below) the poverty line buy their bull shit and allow this to go on, religiously voting republican.
I've said it so many times before and will say it again: too much stupid loose in America. Way too much. And it's cost us and will continue to do that until something miraculous happens. If and how that will happen...who knows?
Education is key. I know that is very cliche but it remains true. The educated tend to think more for themselves and have a wider perspective. Small wonder, then that the republicans are so down on public education. They would see a world where only the few have education, where the populace is docile and compliant and didn't ask questions, choosing instead to just take orders. I know that is terribly judgmental and I have tried, oh so long, to steer away from that conclusion but I find myself with little choice now. I'm no democrat and don't particularly like nor trust the donkey anymore than I do the elephant, but the species of republican we have now is simply evil and delusional. Again that is judgmental, but I feel it is true. Dwight D. Eisenhower and even Richard Nixon would not recognize their party anymore.
Meantime, my very unfavorite time of the year is upon us.
For the second year, I will not be sharing it with the Griffins. And I am fine with that.
All the rush and bother just gets to me.
Black Friday was an honored tradition with the Griffins. too many things I found objectionable were.
"Hurry hurry hurry - get there yesterday..."
And I developed a solid dislike for being in the middle of their personal issues. I was. Come to believe Mike used me to get back in contact with his high school lover. He and Deb were perpetually on the edge.
Add to all this, I have enough drama in my life and don't need any additional. They see the world and people very differently than I do, as well. Not a good mix.
Meanwhile, I am feeling like a schitzophrenic. One moment I am resolved NOT to go back to CLMS. The next I feel a rise of righteous anger and feel like I must, that I need to think of the students I would be bolting on.
Will have to decide soon. Saturday I head back.
Why visit to RCMS complicates things. They want me back and said so, several times.
Not at all sure what to do....
Seems to be the thing to do, anymore, in the land of the "free." Worse yet, so many delusional people at or near (or below) the poverty line buy their bull shit and allow this to go on, religiously voting republican.
I've said it so many times before and will say it again: too much stupid loose in America. Way too much. And it's cost us and will continue to do that until something miraculous happens. If and how that will happen...who knows?
Education is key. I know that is very cliche but it remains true. The educated tend to think more for themselves and have a wider perspective. Small wonder, then that the republicans are so down on public education. They would see a world where only the few have education, where the populace is docile and compliant and didn't ask questions, choosing instead to just take orders. I know that is terribly judgmental and I have tried, oh so long, to steer away from that conclusion but I find myself with little choice now. I'm no democrat and don't particularly like nor trust the donkey anymore than I do the elephant, but the species of republican we have now is simply evil and delusional. Again that is judgmental, but I feel it is true. Dwight D. Eisenhower and even Richard Nixon would not recognize their party anymore.
Meantime, my very unfavorite time of the year is upon us.
For the second year, I will not be sharing it with the Griffins. And I am fine with that.
All the rush and bother just gets to me.
Black Friday was an honored tradition with the Griffins. too many things I found objectionable were.
"Hurry hurry hurry - get there yesterday..."
And I developed a solid dislike for being in the middle of their personal issues. I was. Come to believe Mike used me to get back in contact with his high school lover. He and Deb were perpetually on the edge.
Add to all this, I have enough drama in my life and don't need any additional. They see the world and people very differently than I do, as well. Not a good mix.
Meanwhile, I am feeling like a schitzophrenic. One moment I am resolved NOT to go back to CLMS. The next I feel a rise of righteous anger and feel like I must, that I need to think of the students I would be bolting on.
Will have to decide soon. Saturday I head back.
Monday, November 20, 2017
So here I am....
the house is still here.
Almost wished it were not. The place still has a significant roach problem. Water still works. So does the heat pump.
Ma Barker's house appears to be empty. Haven't seen anyone in it since I arrived yesterday afternoon. The skanks are still there. Haven't seen them yet, but have seen their cars.
By a peculiar twist of circumstance, I am subbing at RCMS this morning, for the art teacher. I decided to turn my calling protocol back on yesterday and at 530 this morning, got a call. Too good to pass up.
Why not?
Have seen a few students and some remember me. I won't know any of the 6th graders, of course, but both 7th and 8th should remember me. I worked with nearly all of them last year at some time.
I had not gotten any homesickness...
until this morning.
Like I said, yesterday, right now I am very emotionally compromised. Don't want to make any decisions while in this state. NO pun intended.
Part of me does not want to go back.
We had a frost this morning. 32 degrees exactly. Winter is coming on. It gets cool in florida too, but not like this.
Then, part of me feels obligated. Despite what has happened, I feel the overwhelming number of my students have already bonded with me (yes, middle schoolers do that too) and I don't imagine the effect on them would be a good one if I just departed.
Seems like my life is constantly at a crossroads. Here we are again.
The CCR reunion is coming up this summer and since I am in charge (???!!) I ought to begin working on that.
Did some writing on my saga of CCR yesterday, first time in many months.
Written some on all three of my works in progress since the calamity at school. As I said, it is the first time in a LONG while I have had time or energy.
Bottom line: I want my life back. It has been dominated by school since August. I understand that to a degree, but I am just NOT okay with having time for little else, particularly since I am keenly aware that I am in the sunset of my years. I turn 70 next year. I still have other things I want to do with my time and my life. I am going to actively oppose or resist anything that keeps me from doing that.
It's never easy for me.
I have enjoyed working in a full time science class again. I still have a passion for it and still feel I have a lot to give.
But is my current situation a safe one?
After the past week, I am very much uncertain. I don't handle uncertainty very well....
Things have gone well, thus far....6th grade is well behaved. 7th grade was okay. 8th grade coming soon.
Almost wished it were not. The place still has a significant roach problem. Water still works. So does the heat pump.
Ma Barker's house appears to be empty. Haven't seen anyone in it since I arrived yesterday afternoon. The skanks are still there. Haven't seen them yet, but have seen their cars.
By a peculiar twist of circumstance, I am subbing at RCMS this morning, for the art teacher. I decided to turn my calling protocol back on yesterday and at 530 this morning, got a call. Too good to pass up.
Why not?
Have seen a few students and some remember me. I won't know any of the 6th graders, of course, but both 7th and 8th should remember me. I worked with nearly all of them last year at some time.
I had not gotten any homesickness...
until this morning.
Like I said, yesterday, right now I am very emotionally compromised. Don't want to make any decisions while in this state. NO pun intended.
Part of me does not want to go back.
We had a frost this morning. 32 degrees exactly. Winter is coming on. It gets cool in florida too, but not like this.
Then, part of me feels obligated. Despite what has happened, I feel the overwhelming number of my students have already bonded with me (yes, middle schoolers do that too) and I don't imagine the effect on them would be a good one if I just departed.
Seems like my life is constantly at a crossroads. Here we are again.
![]() |
yeah...that was me.... |
Did some writing on my saga of CCR yesterday, first time in many months.
Written some on all three of my works in progress since the calamity at school. As I said, it is the first time in a LONG while I have had time or energy.
Bottom line: I want my life back. It has been dominated by school since August. I understand that to a degree, but I am just NOT okay with having time for little else, particularly since I am keenly aware that I am in the sunset of my years. I turn 70 next year. I still have other things I want to do with my time and my life. I am going to actively oppose or resist anything that keeps me from doing that.
It's never easy for me.
I have enjoyed working in a full time science class again. I still have a passion for it and still feel I have a lot to give.
But is my current situation a safe one?
After the past week, I am very much uncertain. I don't handle uncertainty very well....
Things have gone well, thus far....6th grade is well behaved. 7th grade was okay. 8th grade coming soon.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Waltersboro South Carolina
Didn't get underway until about 10 AM. Why hurry?
I actually slept soundly last night, one of the few times I have this past week. The nightmare is not over completely. Not yet. The investigation isn't completed and won't be until after the holidays.
No, Warf, they do not. Driving long distances always allow me to ponder things and that isn't always good.
Fortunately, there hasn't been a lot of worry over what "could have been." Not now. There sure was. For four long days I wondered what in the HELL I was supposed to have done.
The words "inappropriate touching" can chill the soul. That can mean A LOT of different things.
Grabbing a breast?
Young girls (and boys) have quite the imagination.
From the start, the union rep said some kid was mad at me and was setting me up.
It now appears he was correct.
The results of the investigation (hate that word) are just about foregone, but I will believe it when I HEAR it. too many surprises in the mix lately.
Right now, I am "emotionally compromised." They've asked me to keep things to myself and except for the teacher next door to me, who I had dinner with last night, I have and I will.
Still formulating what I might say to the kids when they ask about this. They will. They already have. The word is that I had to go away for awhile. No further detail. Gonna ask for some advice on that one.
I've been invited to Thanksgiving "lunch" with some long time friends from the old neighborhood. It will be good to see them.
I plan to stop by my old school too. It will be good seeing them too.
I still haven't completely decided what the future holds. My former comrades desperately want me back to sub. This last incident scared the Bejesus out of me. What guarantee is there that it won't happen again, particularly considering the inmates run the asylum? The people who did this did it, I am convinced, because they feel emboldened. Discipline is nearly absent at CLMS. I am told it has been this way for awhile.
Just not sure.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Today is going to be excruciating....
I've a premonition. I just do.
The HR person emailed me rather than calling. He has my cell phone number. And my access to school email (which he contacted me on) has abruptly, as of yesterday, been blocked.
Does not look good at all.
I had it wrong.
Thank the good lord I had it wrong.
The fact that I covered some kid's eyes and I put my arm around a student while talking to them...that is ALL they have.
"Improper touching?"
How is either of them improper? The union rep came to that conclusion even before I did.
The investigation now moves to its next phase. I depart for home in the morning. Five days off this coming week.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Day 3
They want to meet with me tomorrow. It's gonna be another fitful night, I hope not.
They've been really good to me here at the bus lot. Sat at my computer all of yesterday and today, thus far, doing some school related things, but also doing the first serious writing I've done in months.
A Canadian friend on facebook said he pitied us because we are in a struggle for our soul.
No doubt he was right.
No question of that anymore although some still cling to the Trumpist line of reasoning (if one can call it that) and still support his antics.
Utter madness.
I am still seriously entertaining calling it quits. Strange as it is, I have actually felt some relief at not being at CLMS these past few days. Don't believe I will ever be comfortable there again.
Didn't see this coming. And I've just about concluded that a portion of its occurrence is due to the fact that the inmates DO in fact run the asylum. They feel emboldened enough to do something like this.
Tales of bullying abound. Now I, too, am a victim of it.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Day 2 of my exile.....
no word yet, but it's only morning as I write this....
The people here at the "bus lot" have been great, leaving me alone for the most part.
My mind and innards are not so much in turmoil as they were. I have begun to see this thing for what it is...
The inmates rule the asylum at CLMS and thus they feel emboldened.
The longer this goes on, the more inclined I am to just call it quits. Sad. Really sad, because up until now, things have gone relatively well. A few problems in class but nothing that others have not had more of and ones I have been able to deal with.
It has felt good being back in the proverbial saddle. I enjoy teaching earth science.
This assignment seemed perfect for me....grade 6, earth science (my strength) and it got me away from the toxic situation (and the roaches in the house) back in Greensboro. It has helped financially too. By years end, I would be rid of two major financial burdens and I could return to retired life in better financial condition. And it's nice and warm; not so back home.
Winter is coming on. Judging by what's been seen thus far, it might not be a kind one.
The existence of a "snow bird" appeals to me. Eight months in Carolina, each year, and four here in the sunshine. Bees RV park isn't a bad place. No place is perfect. Irma not withstanding, my stay here has been tolerable. Not as expensive as in some other places. And I have Comcast cable now, with reliable internet and fair good tv.
It's a dilemma.
Its cold and there is a lot of stupid running loose back in Carolina, but people there don't seem so crazy stupid as they can be here. Driving up and down highway 27, I can see all the ads for injury lawyers. In science fair project, "liability" is a big issue. Science fair projects!!! How crazy is that?
And I've become aware of some other toxic situations at CLMS. A TA is being forced to resign. She's new to the school and to the school system. Her "crime?" As perceived, she is fairly good looking, works hard, is very professional in dress and action. The insecure fear people like that, particularly middle aged and late middle aged women. I fear that if I remain, that fate might await me. Perhaps that is one of the issues I am dealing with now. Who knows?
I would miss the kids. Have become rather fond of almost all of them, even the irritating ones. They have returned me to a feeling I have missed having, that of having my own students.
But now? Is it still a viable situation for me? Will others view me with jaundiced eye? Can I ever feel comfortable again, assuming they even welcome me back to CLMS?
Again, I am thinking it might be best if I just called it off. I oughta know something soon.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
They've been nice to me...
the people at the "bus lot." Came here around 830. They had me do some filing and some shredding. Made a mighty mess when I did so they set me about to cleaning it up.
Fair enough.
No word yet. I hate the waiting. No real inkling as to how this will go, but I have just about decided it's time for ME to go.
The only question is as to just when I will go back "north." I do not relish the notion of returning to NC when it is cold. Yeah, I am a wimp. Being here has spoiled me. And I still have some things I want to do while here.
Pretty sure there will be no "criminal" investigation, like there was in Guilford. Of course, I know I have done nothing criminal, regardless. Didn't know I had done anything wrong until I got called the the office.
Our school union rep told me, as I think I said, that my only fault was in being kind. I am nice to the kids or at least try to be. Some of the girls have apparently misunderstood that for something else.
that's what happened 30 years ago, that and the meddling from one of the mothers who took the girls, four at a time, out to a local mall and interrogated them, stirring them up, pumping them full of notions. Caused a lot of pain for a lot of us.
Some things are just not meant to be.
Time to retire, AGAIN, and go back to my writing?
I've actually had time to do some serious writing the last few days. Sent off some "textbook" assignments to my sub but, other than that, no school work. It felt nice to be able to do that. I want to do more of it. I'd like my life back again.
Saw some postings on FB of events at Rock Middle. I recognized most of the kids in the photos and I guess I really do miss them. Sybil told me I needed to be away from there. Not sure I understand why. Her reasonings sometime puzzle me.
meantime, my access to student skyward has been restricted
The longer I am in "limbo," the more chance there is I will just call it quits.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Spent a tortured night....
Slept uneasily.
I've a strong sense I just need to yield to the inevitable. I won't be returning to clms except to get the remainder of my things. How can it be otherwise?
Met with the HR director, accompanied by the union rep. Nice guy. Very professional. Nothing like the "hanging judge" I dealt with in Guilford 30 some years ago.
According to the union rep (been here four years) the HR director believes the allegations to be "bull shit." I will believe it when I hear it.
Meantime, I have actually been given the day off. Just came from a workout at CF and am having lunch at Carabbas. Shame on me.
I am determined to survive this. Right now, I do NOT want to return to CLMS no matter what the verdict is. Won't feel safe or comfortable.
Don't want to go north into the cold either. Pondering selling the house to some reclamation agency and just going back into retirement and becoming a "snowbird." It's appealing. Could finally work, full time on my books, particularly the one about camp chimney rock. The next reunion is this summer and I want to have it finished and printed up for the occasion. My other blockbuster, And Reap the whirlwind is timely fiction an; want to complete it before it comes to sinister reality,,,
I've a strong sense I just need to yield to the inevitable. I won't be returning to clms except to get the remainder of my things. How can it be otherwise?
Met with the HR director, accompanied by the union rep. Nice guy. Very professional. Nothing like the "hanging judge" I dealt with in Guilford 30 some years ago.
According to the union rep (been here four years) the HR director believes the allegations to be "bull shit." I will believe it when I hear it.
Meantime, I have actually been given the day off. Just came from a workout at CF and am having lunch at Carabbas. Shame on me.
I am determined to survive this. Right now, I do NOT want to return to CLMS no matter what the verdict is. Won't feel safe or comfortable.
Don't want to go north into the cold either. Pondering selling the house to some reclamation agency and just going back into retirement and becoming a "snowbird." It's appealing. Could finally work, full time on my books, particularly the one about camp chimney rock. The next reunion is this summer and I want to have it finished and printed up for the occasion. My other blockbuster, And Reap the whirlwind is timely fiction an; want to complete it before it comes to sinister reality,,,
Sunday, November 12, 2017
I will know more tomorrow
This is going to be painful, I think.
Been pondering things all weekend long. A hell of a way to spend a weekend. Thought about going out to the coast; never did get up the gumption to go.
Did a fair amount of napping. Didn't go to CF. I should have, Physical activity would have benefited me I think.
I'm conflicted. Yeah, back to the old routine.
Some of me wants to just tell them I will just head home. Things didn't work out. Another part of me says to just wait it out. If they tell me I have to be removed from CLMS, then I will depart. Came here to work at CLMS. If that is not possible anymore, why stay?
Coming here was good for me. I already decided that. Got me away from some things I desperately needed to be away from. A different venue was much needed.
Which way to go?
So often I have found myself asking that. And so here we are again.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
talked to the union rep this morning...
I feel a little better but remain skeptical.
The rep says he has dealt with this kind of thing, before. So have I, a long time ago.
The rep says he has dealt with this kind of thing, before. So have I, a long time ago.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Well, it happened....
Home early today and not for a good reason. Lord above.
Some female students say that they feel uncomfortable round me. Came out of the blue. Mr. M called me into his office to tell me and advised I return home for the day.
I was stunned, unsure just what to I said nothing. That might go against me. Just didn't know what to say or how.
It's happened before, a long time ago.
It looks like my career in education is over. Even if, after the investigation, they determine I'm okay, once an allegation like this is made, your reputation is toast - no way around it.
Looks like I am going home to Carolina after all....
Some female students say that they feel uncomfortable round me. Came out of the blue. Mr. M called me into his office to tell me and advised I return home for the day.
I was stunned, unsure just what to I said nothing. That might go against me. Just didn't know what to say or how.
It's happened before, a long time ago.
It looks like my career in education is over. Even if, after the investigation, they determine I'm okay, once an allegation like this is made, your reputation is toast - no way around it.
Looks like I am going home to Carolina after all....
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
I just need to focus on things I can control.
My classes are going along well, with an occasional bump in the road.
I still enjoy coming to school each morning, still enjoy working with students again.
I can't fix everything. I lack the wisdom and, honestly, the time and energy.
I am no Gahndi, not an MLK or Simon Bolivar.
Don't even make a decent Spartcus. Not really. I am not savage enough.
Why not focus on things I can do?
Sounds like a good solution to me.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
I dont want trouble
I sure have a penchant for getting into it.
Visiting kennedy space center again today. The ERC is still closed. Durn
Visiting kennedy space center again today. The ERC is still closed. Durn
Thursday, November 2, 2017
November is here
and things continue to move along.
Things have settled for me in my classroom. Of course, some of my worst students have been absent the last three days too.
Told my A block what to do if they are being bullied at school and admin does nothing. Told them to have parents call the school, at least twice, and if that does no good, to contact the superintendent. If that still gets no results, if there is an incident where they are threatened or harmed, then they need to have parents go downtown and file a report.
Yeah, Spartacus lives.
I guess I will never be rid of that tendency. It's in my DNA. Got me in trouble in Catholic Schools and a few times in the public schools too.
Never been able to sit back and watch.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
gotta get a grip...
I actually hate that term. Really.
The NCAE non rep used it on me when I was enduring the mess at PG, years ago. Guess I need to get over that, It was 1992 for glory sakes. It's an issue I've had my whole life, letting go of the past. Seems I still have it.
Didn't go anywhere special, just to the Apple Store. Finally got my printer hooked up through their assistance.
Don't feel so bad as I did on Friday. I need to focus on the things I can control and not dwell on those Ive no control over.
Talked to the union rep about my salary issues and my concern about CLMS doing high school rather than middle school. He says most middle schools do that now. Asked about moving to another school after only one year, but I doubt that is feasible or possible.
My age would be a factor.
It's either bloom where I am planted or give it up, I fear.
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