Monday, November 13, 2017

Spent a tortured night....

Slept uneasily.

I've a strong sense I just need to yield to the inevitable.  I won't be returning to clms except to get the remainder of my things.  How can it be otherwise?

Met with the HR director, accompanied by the union rep.  Nice guy.  Very professional. Nothing like the "hanging judge" I dealt with in Guilford 30 some years ago.

According to the union rep (been here four years) the HR director believes the allegations to be "bull shit." I will believe it when I hear it.

Meantime, I have actually been given the day off.  Just came from a workout at CF and am having lunch at Carabbas. Shame on me.

I am determined to survive this.  Right now, I do NOT want to return to CLMS no matter what the verdict is.  Won't feel safe or comfortable.

Don't want to go north into the cold either.  Pondering selling the house to some reclamation agency and just going back into retirement and becoming a "snowbird."  It's appealing.  Could finally work, full time on my books, particularly the one about  camp chimney rock.  The next reunion is this summer and I want to have it finished and printed up for the occasion.  My other blockbuster, And Reap the whirlwind is timely fiction an; want to complete it before it comes to sinister reality,,,

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