Almost in Georgia. I would already be in Florida, by now, but I 95 is a virtual parking lot. Stopped now at a Waffle House for dinner and hoping the traffic will clear. Not real hopeful. This is Thanksgiving "going home"traffic. Was hoping I would miss that. Wrong.
Tried to check into the local motel 6; the last room was taken by the person in line in front of me. It was a smoking room anyhow. Can't stand being in one of those no kind of a way.
Tired. Didn't know how much until I stopped. It's usually like that. Guess I will just have to get back on the road after this and motor on.
Now and then I find myself pondering my possible return to CLMS and still, I feel uncomfortable about doing that. Not certain I can do it.
So do I just collect my RV and head back?
The thought sure is tempting, believe me.
And this is how I feel right about now. |
But it's never easy with me. Sure, I could go back to subbing at RCMS. The people there REALLY want me to do that.
Bug bombed the house, again, as I left today. Not sure how much good it will do. Bugs weren't as bad as before, but they are still there. Not good.
No one bothered me during my stay. Didn't even see the Red necks across the street but once. Ma Barker, of course, is history. Saw her new occupants briefly, but didn't say anything to them.
This morning, early, before the sun, I threw on winter jacket and, still dressed in running shorts (LOL!) was going to walk around the block, blindfolded, just to find out what it would be like. yeah, I am weird like that, I guess. I walked a short distance, then took off the blindfold. Kept veering to my right and into neighbor's yards. Not good. I abandoned my adventure, went back to the house and then, abandoned my plan to depart early (0600) and went back to bed.
Geez...might not be in this predicament if I had done that. Might not have. No guarantees.
Didn't depart until after 10 AM.
I plan on coming back December 21st, less than a month from now. It's entirely possible it could happen before that. Won't know for sure until I return. I will spend at least one more day at the bus garage, as the investigation wraps up. Then, who knows?
The kids are going to ask when I get back, assuming that I do, in fact, do that. What will I say? What
can I say? Not been in this situation before.
Might try the blindfolded walk around the block again, when I get back, very early in the morning, of course, so as not to encounter any traffic. My neighborhood is strange, like me; it has traffic at all times, albeit sporadic and occasional.
What if one of my neighbors sees me skulking about blindfolded?
So what? I will never know and as I have said, time and again, I don't really care, any longer, what anyone thinks of me. I've come to realize that I actually don't.
Met with the group I refer to as the "revolutionaries," yesterday at Natty Greene's. Most of us are seniors and kind of "liberal" (hate that term) in our outlook. We met via writing letters on the news and record blog and via Facebook. Life has been turbulent for us over the past year, watching our country going down the proverbial tubes. But it's been people like us who have kept the"heat" on and the ACA is still with us because of that. Some republicans realized the folly of their own parties path and veered off of it. The next big thing is the criminal "tax reform" bill they have in the congress. The house has already passed it. No surprise there. We're hoping the few maverick republicans in the Senate will keep that from happening there. No telling.
It's peculiar. Republicans have control of both houses of congress, the white house and a right leaning Supreme Court and they still cannot manage to ram their regressive agenda through....not YET anyhow.
Time to get back on the road....
Kingsland, Georgia tonight, three miles from the Florida line. Back in Clermont by tomorrow morning, late.