Saturday, July 8, 2017

woke up feeling rough this morning....

pain in the top center of my back won't go away. Feels like I strained a muscle or some such a thing. The stomach doesn't feel well either.

Pondering a trip to the emergency room, this evening, if things don't get better.

Eye troubles again.

Spent much of the day, yesterday with  the eyes bandaged up, some of it sitting out on the front porch, in full view of the world - it was a nice day. Tried to ignore it, but things only got worse. Removed the blindfold around 1 PM and the infection flared up again. No respite.  Replaced the bandages (blindfold) after medicating again and that did the trick.  I was able to return to the world of the sighted again about 8 PM last evening.

So far, so good today and it's just past midday.

I am hoping this malady will not occur so much, if at all, once I relocate to 'Florida.

The assistant principal in charge of grade 6 at Clermont Middle sent me a tentative schedule. I wasn't expecting to have any advanced classes, but right now, I have two and might have more. Pleasant surprise. I think...

I'm "borrowing" trouble (don't I always?) but after looking into the background of this AP, I discovered that yes, he is a published author (envy!!!) but he is also, apparently someone with a great deal of religious training, seemingly of the evangelical order.  I will try and NOT make that an issue and hope he will too.

I grow increasingly hostile to "religion" with each passing day, hearing and seeing the spoutings of people who SAY they are "christian" but who seemingly do NOT mirror the teachings of Jesus, at least, the way I see them.  The problem with "religion" is people, not God.  I wish I didn't feel like I do, at faith used to be so much a part of my everyday life.  The people at Pius X (some of them) did much harm there, as have some at St Paul...

My recurring trouble is that I do not handle adversity well...not at all. That's gotten me into difficulty many times.

"Stinkbug," from last summer. 

As I already said, I have seven signed up for my science adventures at RCC's "eaglemania" week after next.

They'll be younger kids this time, four girls and three boys, a chance for me to infuse some interest and curiosity for the sciences in younger children.

Not certain as to future plans. Some of that will not be in my hands. RCC has already said they want me to come again next summer.  Their person in charge has not been at all dependable and I've made a mess of things myself, a few times. We'll see how the next round goes.

Not seeking to be morbid, but at my age, health is not as certain as it once was; that could be an issue as well. I only hope that isn't a prophetic statement.

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