Friday, July 14, 2017

262 - fully clothed

yep....the weight is back.  Knew it was.  Lake County has a medical program for their employees and a portion of it deals with weight.  Need to hook up with them when I become eligible, November 1.

Dr. B was bitter and sarcastic.  Durned near walked out on him.  He invited me to if I didn't 't like what was happening.  I understand his bitterness and frustration but it's not my doing and I didn't appreciate being the target of his tantrums.

Think I need to seek my fortunes in healthcare someplace else. I've had me enough.

There was a crash of a marine aircraft in Mississippi; the flight originated at the Cherry Point Naval Air Station, near where Mike's son is stationed.  I actually messaged Deb and asked if he was on that plane. No answer.  I guess, as Mary would have said, the Griffins are not deep into a snit over our situation. They always did that when one did not bend to their will or do their heeding.  I still remember how they cast me adrift, way back in the early 1980s when they were booted out of CCR and I chose to go back. They and I were out of touch for about 20 years after that, partly due to our differences on that and partly because they lost track of me. Sad, but maybe that is just the way it needs to be. Deb isn't so much a problem as is Mike. Deb is a true people person; yes, she can be quite controlling at times and delusional concerning her younger son, but Deb cares about people. Mike cares about Mike and uses people to get the things he wants. I had a step brother like that. Watched him manipulate people for decades.  Cannot stand that kind of thing.

Getting geared up for my return to the classroom.  Want to make it a good one and need to steer clear of some of those "imaginings" that seem to trip me up, at times.  There are bound to be some domineering types, ones who think they own the place.  Have begun to think Mr. M brought me on board to help break their grip on the place.  I have my suspicions.  I just want no part of a battle like that. I need to be careful not to bet expecting trouble, going in; that alone can create havoc. I know.

Am now thinking of driving the RV down, then flying back and picking up the car and driving it down. To some that makes little sense, but they haven't been through the trauma of watching a vehicle burn while they were towing it, like I have.

I attended Vic's memorial service last evening.  I swear three fourths of Graham was there.  Even saw my former principal at Graham Middle. We didn't speak. Not sure she even noticed me. So much the better, perhaps.

The man was often cantankerous and difficult, sometimes, but as they kept saying during the service, he was genuine, not pretentious.  Methinks he kind of lost it during this past election, as he supported Trump.  That was due to the notion that Hillary was going to take away everyone's guns. That was a card the NRA and their allies played a lot. Vic was a lifelong democrat, one of the few left in his county.  I think the notion of a woman sitting in the oval office didn't go over well with him either. Yeah, Vic could be a little old fashioned, too.

The last time I saw him, months ago, I had a sense I had seen him alive for the final time.  I was right.

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