Saturday, July 29, 2017

settling in...

Water and electric hooked up.  Got my first scare.  Both the AC and my microwave went out at the same time.  The microwave I can survive without; the AC?  Went out and flipped the breaker. Things are fine now. Guess I will have to cut off the AC when I use the microwave.

We Americans are so spoiled.  We are. Turn off the electricity and we are helpless.

Went for an early morning swim.  The water was like bath water.  Trying to uncluttered the RV. Quite a task.  Haven't checked on the  house via ADT, yet.  Actually would not mind it if the skanks burned the place down now that me and my birds aren't there.  What does that mean?

The "skinny repeal" of Obamacare failed, by one vote. One.  Senator McCain voted no.  Three republicans bucked their party and THEIR "president" (not mine) to do this, a rare act of courage and integrity in times like these.  I've honestly come to regard Republicans as evil.  How else can I explain the things they do and say, anymore.

Not that democrats are saints.  Hillary lost the election; Trump didn't actually  win.  She's corrupt and dishonest.  They say that polls tell us that Biden, Sanders and Warren would all beat Trump easily, but 2020 is a long way away.  Polls said Trump would never win in 2016.  He got elected despite that.

If I am to succeed and not disappoint, I will have to bring my "A game" at Clermont Middle.

My preliminary feelings?  Clermont Middle is a small school with a dedicated faculty. They appear dedicated to one another, too.

They do "PBS," something I've never had a good feeling about, but may "gut" tells me it's a different thing here.  They reward "above and beyond" behaviors, not routine ones and there are clearly defined consequences for those who do not toe the proverbial line.  I shall see, of course, but I've a good feeling.

People here are friendly, nothing like they were in Broward County, years ago. People actually want talk to you and get to know you.  The people at the local RV place helped me find a generic key to open my water port.  I have apparently misplaced that particularly key.

People here at Bee's wave at everyone.  The person I met the night I arrived should be sainted.  She's an air force vet and helped me get to my site. Don't know where I or the birds would have been without her.

I fear being overly optimistic.  Too many times I have known disappointment; don't want that to happen again.  But that is how I see it so far.

Time will tell.

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