Thursday, June 15, 2017

Well, the last posting was not entirely accurate

Yesterday, I got us totally lost on the 'RCC nature trail. Kept parents waiting for 15 minutes at the end of the day. Dumb. Dumb on my part.  Parents took it well, or seemingly so.  I might not have. Some others I have dealt with in previous times, would NOT have... the Pius parents, many who frequented the greensboro science center....the crazy parents in '=Gibsonville.

We all have our difficulties.  Those of us who work with children and parents most likely have more than most.

Then today, we couldn't use the hose to seine for minerals.  The coordinator for the program somehow got the idea we did not need a hose; she has been a piece of work.  Just gotta say it. So today she finally brought us one. Then the key for the spikete broke - wouldn't turn so I tried to "turn it" with a hammer.

Not at all sure I will do GELS again, at least, not at RCC.

I sure would

There's been a shooting at a baseball practice in 
DC. The GOP Majority "whip" has been critically injured and might not survive.

It seems that a disgruntled (and apparently disturbed) citizen, upon hearing that the practice was for the GOP baseball team, decided to shoot several people.

Don't think he liked nor appreciated republicans and their recent policies.  Neither do I but I am not going to go shooting them because of it.

The man was a "Sandernista," like myself.  Bernie has disavowed the man and the action, as would I.  Count on the GOP to make an issue of this.  They are so dumb and delusional.

I do NOT approve of what the man did, but understand how it happened.

A lot of ordinary Americans are upset at the GOP right now.  I can only hope their feelings will translate into action at the next election and NOT into more random acts of violence like this. Sadly, actions like this are a result when people feel lost or utterly frustrated; we, in special ops, are familiar with a term called "destabilization," where the government and social fabric of a country comes apart.  This act is a symptom of that.  Some are hoping this will generate some kind of change in our guns laws.  If tragedies like Sandy Hook, where scores of young children are massacred do not affect change, something like this won't.  

There's another furor going on about confederate symbols and the causes for the civil war. Some southern cities have begun to remove statues and monuments to the war.  That has enraged certain segments.

Indeed, why must we continue to seek out things that divide us? There are enough of them already.
Beginning to have doubts about attending Val's funeral.  Mike won't miss an opportunity like this to promote himself. I know he will be there.  It would be my bad luck that his younger son will be too and I certainly don't want to encounter him.

I keep mulling over in my mind how I will manage such an encounter.  I could just refuse to talk to them. That would appear rude, particularly to other CCR people who still think Mike is god.  I could just be polite and go with the flow, but knowing Mike as I do, that won't work.  He will make some comment about my weight or about Trump.  That would, of course, give me justification for refusing to continue any conversation, but I am just not eager to endure that.

Am I becoming a wimp?  Perhaps.

Moving day is a bit more than a month away and I have barely prepped for it.  Need to get moving on that.  The whole things seems surreal, still...relocating to Florida.  Towing the Miata is my greatest fear.  Only way to deal with that is to confront that fear and do it.  Still smarting over the loss of the jeep.  Mike will most likely make some comment about that too.

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