Saturday, June 10, 2017

Eaglemania will happen after all...

Although it will only be one class,  the GELS (girls experiencing and learning science) with but 5 participants.

I chose to do this particular thing with some trepidation.  Last time I attempted it, at the Greensboro Science Center, I got ambushed by a whiny grandmother and her two overindulged grandchildren. They said I "scared" them.  Odd, I had done GELS for years at the science center and in three different schools and had never heard that from anyone.  The science center is no longer a museum or learning center, it is a corporation with corporate attitudes and leadership .  They chose to toss me under the bus and cave to this grandmother, whom they said they had known for years.  They knew me for years too and had never, to my knowledge, ever gotten a complaint or a concern about me. Not once.  But I do digress....

I am leary about doing GELS again, but am going to give it a go.  I can already tell this eagle mania program is a train wreck, with the person in charge of it, the train  conductor.  Had to scramble to put things together at the last instant.  It won't be the caliber of a program that I've had in the past. RCC didn't even check my references, to my knowledge.

Gotta just try and make the best of it....
I am so very weary of stupid..

Donald Trump is a danger to the future of the United States of America.  So are some of his minions.  Stupid and intolerant are loose in the land and, if left unchecked, will destroy us and our democratic traditions. I've long since accepted the reasons for the "election" of 45 to the oval office, but cannot get over the stupid beings who caused it.  Even now, with all the havoc 45 has created, so many are unrepentant and insist they would vote for him again.

They're now working on doing away with Dodd-Frank, the remaining protections we have against the bankers.  With its repeal, another 2008 vintage meltdown is inevitable. And who will suffer from it?  A rhetorical question for sure.

Lilac Rain Thompson, one of my former 6th graders, graduated from high school last night.  I am headed to a celebration at the Thompson house, in a few hours.  Lilac rated as one of my favorites.  How swiftly the years pass...

Decided to attend VBS at St. Paul. Some trepidation here too.  The last time I attended mass there, it was not a pleasant experience. hope this visit will be different.

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