Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Val is gone

She passed yesterday, sometime.  An act of mercy to be sure.  I understand she was really suffering at the end.

The CCR minions are reacting, of course.  Action on the CCR chatline is humming.  We all did "taps" last night, at ten, in her honor.  Mike, of course, is trying to take the lead and make all this all about him, as per usual.  He managed to officially announce Val's passing on the chatline, making him the alpha male once again. What pains me most is that so many are drawn in by his act.  He's said, more than once, on the chatline and on Facebook, that he was "praying" for Val.  Mike Griffin, ":praying" for somebody.  What a concept. Typical.

I'VE got to guard against overreacting to all this.  IT'S A danger with me when I have come to realize how I was mistreated, after a long while.

Weeks ago, when Kinsey, a long time ago student at St. Pius X, contacted me on Facebook. I replied with a photo that said something about being manipulated.

I was. I know that.  But as she pointed out, in her reply, people change, "evolve" over time.  They do. She could be a totally different person than the spoiled, overindulged, teen brat I remember.

Anger can make us stupid.  It did in that case. I've got to be sure it doesn't in this one.

Perhaps it's the realization that I was played for so long and I was too dumb to know it that makes me so angry.  It could also be that it has happened to me too often over my lifetime. Regardless, I need to control the situation and not allow it to control me.

Beginning day #2 of GELS this morning.  Yesterday was messy. Slime.  That is always messy.

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