Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Okay, so where am I?

GELs had gone well until today, when one girl stole another girl's rocket.  Three of her classmates turned her in. The stolen rocket has been returned to its rightful owner.

The girl on the left is the accused thief. Durn! Thought I left this sort of thing in Florida. Apparently not.

We launch the rockets the 100 degree heat. Pondering whether our thief should participate.

I did not see her steal the rocket.  Her classmates did. Tomorrow is our last day. Perhaps we should just go on with things as they are I had pondered not allowing the thief to take part. I defiantly do not want her in any more of my classes.

This Lauren, the one I told, today, who might be the first female president.  She's brilliant.
A cute lil stinkbug. She's our youngest.

Slime again today.

Cheeto man signed another one of his obnoxious executive orders, this one putting a stop to the snatching of children from their parents at the border. This after he nearly had the country in open revolt over the practice, including even his fellow repubs.  So there is some decency left in them.  Amazing.

I wonder what the morrow brings....

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