Friday, April 26, 2019

war with Mexico?

The jackass wants to send more troops to the Mexican border now. He's also taunting Iran,

The man needs a distraction, a diversion.

The GOP is drawing up big plans to trash both medicare and social security.  They had promised never to do that.

Trumpkins are so dumb.  So many of the things King Orange is doing and plan to do will harm them the most and yet, they worship the ground upon which he walks....

Joe Biden is going to run for president after all.  I had begun to think he would not.

Not 100% sure how to feel about that...

Yes, he was Obama's veep, but I don't think he is a Barak Obama.

Still want to pull for Bernie, but fear that the GOP will use the socialism meme to discredit him. We Americans are so pedantic anymore.

That civil war so many fear has begun. Actually, it's been going on for awhile now.  Pipe bombs in the mail. White supremacist shootings.  Now a militia group on the border says they trained to assassinate Clinton, and Obama.  The world is going nuts....
The era of Trump will not end peacefully.  He has ambitions of being president for life and has so stated.  No joke.  If he is somehow re-electred (yes, it could happen), our democracy is finished. So is our middle and working class. We'll bet reduced to the status of serfs, economically and socially.  America's status in the world will continue to decline.  We are already not seen as the leader of the free world.  Trump isn't even welcome in many c capitals in Europe.

Impeachment is unlikely.

I would rather trump be turned out be election. Njmbers don't usually lie. If he is repudiated by the majority of the electorate, it will speak volumes.  Of course, that already happened in 2016 and here we sit.

I suspect the Russians will do their utmost to be sure they pull off the same scam they did before. Yes, I still do believe they helped trump steal the election.

Should Donald Trump else out this time, there will not be a peaceful transition of power. He will create some crisis or incident that will keep him in power as long as possible. His minions will throw tantrums, claim election fraud and the good lord only knows what else.

Stupid is like cock roaches; near impossible to get rid of.

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