Monday, January 28, 2019

well, the government is open again...

for now.

But things could go south again in a few weeks. No one is budging on the wall funding issue. And declaring a national emergency over the situation on our southern border seems ludicrous given than illegal alien flow is at its lowest point in decades.

It's all about Agent Orange and his ego.  Most things have been.

I submitted another "radical"letter to the editor just now to the Greensboro news and record.

I do not understand how any reasonable person can support Donald Trump anymore. He just engineered the longest government shutdown in American history at the behest of Ann Colton, aka Secretary of State Colton, then caved for the same deal he had agreed on weeks ago, one voted for unanimously for the United States Senate. The man has insulted the disabled and families of veterans who gave their lives for their country. He lies constantly. No one wants to be his chief of staff. John McCain asked that he NOT be invited to his funeral and his appearance at the HW Bush funeral turned the affair frigid when he arrived. Under his tutelage, children have been wrested away from their children and put into cages. Others have been tear gassed. Interesting how that caravan moving north to invade our country seemingly evaporated the day after the midterm election when it could no longer be exploited for political gain. How many of his associates have now been indicted for suspected complicity with a foreign power or for lying to the FBI or to congress? And they were so concerned about Hillary’s emails?

The Imbusciles will doubtless lose their fecal matter over it.

There's a crazy thing going on lately,  all inspired by the motion picture, Birdbox, the tale of a woman and two children trying to survive a world invaded by beings who cause people who see them to do crazy things.  The trio sets out on a journey to a community that is deemed "safe," but must do it all blindfolded.  If they look, they die.

                                                              cute little bugger, but can
                                                           you  see doing this for a day or two?

Last evening, I saw a family (I think they were a family) walking on Oak Arbor road, out in front of my house.  Two of them (I believe they were young girls) were finding their way blindfolded, one of them almost crash landed in the ditch between my yard and the street. Yes, their father or some significant male, walked with them, but he was also walking three dogs on a leash and thus couldn't keep a watch on them.  Cars tend to drive down our street as though it were the firecracker 500. Kind of scared me some...

    This one stayed blindfolded for 2 and a half hours during a science experiment.  She handled it really well, but then, the whole thing took place inside the science museum...

The things we humans get ourselves into.

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