Monday, July 9, 2018


And art all happened rather abruptly too.

My former compadre in crime, Kathy, has returned from Europe and gave me a call.  We spoke a long time. Kathy is a former nurse and world class listener.

Sometimes all it takes is talking it out. I did.

I will be returning to Florida for the school year. New school. New situation.

It really came down to two things. One I have mentioned before.

I don't want my years in the classroom to end on the note it did last school year. Don't want my final years to be a memory of calamity and disgrace.  They would be if I left things as they are today.

The other things is that I have never worked in a charter school and would always wonder if the horror stories I hear about corporate run charters was true. I would go to my final reward without knowing.  I've already decided, firmly, that the first hint or notion of poor leadership or lord of the flies from the students and I will be out the door swiftly and will not look back.

Kathy has already decided the same thing.

We both suffered the tortures of the damned last year and neither of us will endure that again in any form.  Kathy has already renewed her nursing license and will be able to make use of that, easily, if the need arises.  I have signed on to sub in Rockingham County, again, if that need comes up. Neither of us will feel trapped. We won't be.

Aside from all this, with another year (our two) in the classroom, all of my debts from the IRS to the Miata will b retired. I will still have a house mortgage (gotta pay that today or tomorrow!!!) and will still have the RV but if and when I retire, again, one of the other will be history. AT least, that is how I plan it now.  Once I have $1500 more of available income each month, many things will change.

I still haven't finished exploring my old haunts from my earlier days in Florida and want too.  Want to jaunt down to the keys and Ft. Lauderdale and, eventually, to both Sea world and Discovery Cove too.

Kim, at Bees RV will be delighted.

I am  still way bitter about what happened in Clermont but since the RV park is located North Of Clermont and my commute 25 minutes) will mostly be on the Turnpike, I won't need to go into Clermont anymore than absolutely necessary.  Should I encounter anyone I knew from CLMS, I will likely be most direct and blunt, de;endkng, of course, on who it is.

Going out to the western mountains tomorrow and the CCR compadre, someone I had as a CIT. Wish the reunion, scheduled for this coming week, had worked out, but Mike's selfishness pretty well deep mixed that. Won't dwell on that. Why?  Life is too short.

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