Sunday, May 6, 2018

It’s nuts

Had to have someone remove another student. Haven’t had to do this all year. Things are just coming unraveled.

Only want this to end without anything else ugly happening. One of them hid in a rear cabinet through a whole class, madness.

Then add to this, todY I find myself in the Er of a local hospital. Stomach pain and nausea along with back pain. Waiting on an x ray and blood work. They’re talking about an IV too.what fun.

Finally heard about my fingerprinting for renaissance charter school. Signed up for this upcoming Thursday. That appears to be the sole thing standing betwixt my official hiring.

Still having doubts. Corporate run charters are a real issue for me. Fact is, I don’t know a lot about them, really. Only what I read and hear from others. The main thing is how they appear to be desegregating the public schools, this time along socio economic lines.

The haves and the have nots. It’s becoming more of a problem every day. Trump and his lot are making it worse. And so many who are affected do not appear to see the problem.

Cannot figure that last one out. Why would people act and/or vote against their own good?seemingly, some prefer to let others think and act for them. It’s the kind of thing that gave rise to the Nazis. Some laugh at me when I say such things, call me a drama queen. I see that a lot in my letter writing in the news and record. Haven’t written a letter for awhile need to and soon.

I applied for several positions in lake county. Heard nothing more. Won’t bother me much if I don’t. Not convinced other schools in the county will be that different. The problem appears to be the culture more than anything else.

Hone again.

Gastritis....they think.  I had fears of pancreatitis, which would have meant hospitalization..

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