They called first thing Monday morning. At least they did me the courtesy of letting me know. All the other jobs I applied for are taken. Guess it's the charter school or not at all.
Right now, that is a toss up.
Day one of final exam week. Two down. Three to go. Results are better than I thought they might be so far. All students went up except for one, some significantly...."effective." I like to believe I am. At times I still wonder.
Didn't want to remain age Clms, but this is the ONLY time I was not rehired, the ONLY time in my career and I guess it just stings. They could have, at least, given me the dignity of resignation.
"Not reappointed."
It makes it seem as though I were fired.
I was told it was due to losing four positions, but I learned, today, that 8 teachers are not returning. Eight. Don't know the details, but they couldn't find a spot for someone else in there somewhere?
No matter. Not anymore.
I will either accept the Charter school offer or will return to NC and go back into retirement.
You know, both are tempting. I do not feel as though I am through with teaching science.
Not yet.
Still feel passion for it.
Speaking plainly now, what do I have to look forward to if I do not? Don't want to complete that thought. It's plainly morbid.
The other side of the coin is that I have three works in progress that need completion.
My Country Tis of Thee, my treatise on the state of my country would seem timely. We don't turn some things around soon and I do not give the republic long to live. Dramatic, I know, but true. We're morphing into Panem, the mythical nation of Hunger Games detractors on the News and Record editorial page would howl with laughter at that. I' m a regular target of their vitriol and ridicule. gonna keep writing, just to irk them and henceforth, I do not even intend to respond to their barbs. That will make them more crazy than anything else.

Then there's Mid the Hills, the tale of my years at Camp Chimney Rock. I'm writing it solely for those who lived that CCR experience but, of course, anyone is welcome to join in. This year's reunion got trashed when Mike made a fuss about my not caving to his manipulation and now there is one planned next year, over Labor Day, Camp Waziliyah, in Maine, a camp owned by two CCR alums. ?Don't plan to attend. Our reunions are about the people, yes, but also about the location. Hickory Nut Gorge still holds magic for me and others. Wazi has nothing to do with it. I suspect it's a big promotional thing, anyhow and I want no part of that....but I WOULD like to have my book published by the time it happens. Some of my reasons are sinister, yes, but still, I b believe, appropriate.
That tale is morphing too...
The pen IS mightier than the sword. There is little doubt of that. And unless Mike chose to write his own account of things (he both lacks the ability and the perseverence)), then I will get the proverbial last laugh. I am not into revenge, but you know, I can always make an exception to policy..... Sometimes it's warranted.
And Reap the Whirlwind is timely too and some of its components have already begun to emerge into sinister life.
yup!!!!! |
Trump is doing his very best to turn us into an oligarchy. We don't have far to go. Money and moneyed people run out country. They own us. Just today that Supreme Court struck down more employee rights. The wealth gap widens more each day. The anger on both sides of the issue grows too. I feel it personally.
Faith, a woman I have known since she was 7 or 8 years old is now an evangelical "born again"missionary in Romania. I blame evangelicals for much of the harm the alt right, in the person of one Donald Trump has done. Faith was the closest thing I ever had to having a child of my own. She referred to me as her :third daddy" and her five children now call me "Grandpa Bill." I had planned to visit them this summer.
Not anymore.
The gulf had widened too far. Sad, I know, but that is how I see it.
Two days to go. I hope and pray I will get through this without drama or trauma. Today one of the girls who slandered me last fall went full on berserk and was chasing another student through the school. I just sat on my stool, in the hallway. Didn't say a thing and sure didn't get in her way. Had she chosen to push or strike me, I do not want to think about what I might have done....