Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Miata is causing me some grief....

problems with the electrical system and the dealership is still trying to figure out what it is.  This is gonna be expensive, very expensive.

The testing has begun.  Writing test for grade 8.  They test all three grade levels here, test ELA, math, civics and, of course, science.  Frying pan into fire once again, a common theme for me.

The CCR reunion is being postponed and relocated; not enough reaction to the coming reunion. Some of it is likely due to the flap between me and Mike.  He is hopeful that I will "befriend" him. Not happening. Not ever.

They want to have the reunion in 2020, in Waterford, Maine, at camp Waziliyah, a camp owned by two former CCR people.  I don't plan to go.  Too far.  Having a reunion anywhere but in Hickory Nut Gorge would not be a CCR reunion to me.

So that effectively solves the issue of the reunion.  Mike will, of course, tell lies and slander me at the next reunion, wherever it might occur.  A sociopath. No doubt in my mind. He disrespected the late owner and director at the last reunion, when they held the Mike G. worship session.  He will think nothing of doing it to me.

Ultimately, I will have the final word, the last laugh, as I will someday complete my memoir on CCR Mid the Hills and I don't plan to be gentle in my portrayal of certain things. Won't have to use falsehoods. Wouldn't even if I  could. I believe a lot of people are beginning to see Mike for who and what he really is. Sad. We were "friends" for decades. He would have us think it was all over the 2016 election.  It's not. It goes much much deeper.

Mike sees people and there world in general much differently than I do. He treats Deb poorly and I've come believe he has used and manipulated me and others to get the things he wants.

No more.

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