Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all...

I really didn't want to feel that way.  Didn't want to say it either....

But here I am.

Sybil and others told me that public education is not a friendly place.  Like so many males of the species, I didn't listen.

Yes, some of the students are proving to be a challenge, but they're something I can handle and deal with.  Like too many times before, the issue is with the adults.

This morning we got unloaded on with all kinds of science fair deadlines and demands, all of them last minute.  They're taking what can be a fun and engaging event and turning it into a hellish nightmare.

Stupid stupid stupid.

Why must they do this?

The woman in charge of the science department is simply in over her head and overburdened.  No easy or nice way to say it.  She's very authoritarian.  Today I had to bite down HARD on my lip to avoid saying something.  Someone asked if music could be played while they were taking a test and her response was to ask if they're allowed to do that the FCAT, the standardized test at the end of the year.

Has the whole freaking world fallen into that mindset???  Why must everything be interpreted in terms of the "test?" Don 't students count for anything anymore?

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