most of the pain is in my lower back, right where the kidneys are. The PA handling my issues at Baptist health has ordered a MRI of the kidneys but I have heard nothing else about it. frequent urination, every two or three hours too. No fun.
My trip to DC got postponed. The Amtrak train is booked this weekend. I was somewhat amazed at that. Looking at making another attempt midweek. I could just drive up but don't really want to do that. Taking the train would be a lot less stressful and more of an adventure.
Published my 4th book,
A guide for a second American revolution on both create as space and Lulu. 108 pages. Not a lengthy treatise. But I finished another book and actually had it published, albeit self published.
Next up, I hope, will be another short book:
What Does Not Kill Me, a how to book on how to keep life's detractors from destroying you.
Within the next year, I plan to finish the first edition of
Mid The Hills: the CCR Story. The first edition will concern itself with my first year at CCR. I plan to break up the rest of the saga into other books. There is another CCR reunion planned for a year from Labor Day, in 2019. My hope is to have the first edition published before then. Also hope to locate the hundreds (literally) of color slides I have of my CCR years, digitalize them, and fashion it all into a video for the occasion.
The conundrum will be whether I will attend the reunion myself. Maine is far far away. Camp Waziliyah, which is owned by two CCR alums, is in Waterford, Maine. Much will depend on what I am doing. If I remain retired, which right now, I plan to, then I would certainly have the time. If Mike attends, I will not. That will give him the opportunity, of course, to totally trash me during the "Mike Griffin worship" portion of the gathering. He did it to BJ Rankin the last time, the owner of the camp. Narcissistic sociopaths have no honor. I just have to wonder if I am the only CCR alum who sees it.

I once again find myself thinking of leaving the country, based on what happens in November. If that blue tsunami thy speak of does not occur, then I do not give democracy in America long to live. A possible constitutional convention is on the horizon and if the likes of the Koch brothers get their way, our present constitution, particularly portions of the bill of rights, will get shredded and we will officially become an oligarchy, something we already are to a large extent. Scary.
I know I've said this already, but I have never seen so much stupid as I have these past few years.
Why do people vote against their own welfare?
So many are duped and fooled by the hype and the rhetoric. It's just easier to do what others tell you to do than to check things out for yourself.
But that isn't how a democracy is supposed to work.
And right now, in America, it isn't working.