Sunday, February 25, 2018

weekends are not so much fun anymore...

mainly because they re followed by a Monday.  And the stress is telling....

Friday I busted four of my little boys for using up my tape to make paper bombs s to throw at one another and for damaging the tape dispensers. I way overreacted, asked admin to involve our resource officers and was told they could not due to "rules."

I've handled it myself.  Contacted parents; heard back from three.  Talked to one That is how I should have handled it to begin with.

Our admin is chickenshit.  They're inept. Unable to cope with things.  They want CLMS to become an "A" schools.  A schools aren't run by the students. CLMS is.

More gun violence.  I don't recall exactly where. It's getting to be a regular thing, almost to the point that we don't even notice anymore.

And the level of stupid remains high.

Now they want to put armed mercenariess into schools as "volunteers ,: as well as arming the teachers.

The "good guy with the gun" thing....

To the intellectually challenged, that seems like an idea with merit.  Assailants  would never attack a school where they knew they would meet armed resistance.  Really?  Four Broward County deputies hunkered down behind their car while the shooter committed slaughter, FOUR!!! A lot of good they did. And when SWAT or whomever, arrived on scene, how would they differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys if so many had guns?  Just blast everyone they saw with a gun? Question the bodies later? How many innocents would be gunned down if a firefight broke out in the corridors and classrooms of a school? The "fog of war...."

Stupid, unmitigated stupid.

The kids are raising hell. Well they should.  Only hope it doesn't die down.  Some have turned on the scourge called the NRA and the pressure is on everywhere. DON'T LET UP!!!  Coilumbine, Orlando, Sandy Hook and now this....  When and how does it stop????  Does it EVER???

Sunday, February 18, 2018

well, I am still here....

but am uncertain as to yow much longer - really .

There's been another school shooting, this one in Broward County, florida - 17 dead.  Another assault rifle. And like usual, republicans are offering prayers and heart wishes and nothing more.

Our community freaked.  Half the kids either did not come to school or their parents checked them out.  An alarm sounded, one set off accidentally by the front office and a lot of kids went diving for cover. Would have been funny in another situation.

Part of me wants to go home.  Another part of me likes making $3000 a month. Still another part knows many of our kids would be crushed if I left.

What do do.  What to do.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

my cell phone got stolen today

thankfully it was "returned" by a student who "found it."

I've just about had enough.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

A calm weekend...

particularly considering where I was last week.

That was an expensive adventure, but an adventure all the same.

two of my co-conspirators
Not really sure I want to go in  to school tomorrow morning.  Don't know exactly why. It's a real conundrum.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Back to the "grind?"

Been a whole school week since I posted.

Things at school are nuts.   They are switching teachers around, mid year, creating even more havoc than before.

It's an act of desperation, I am convinced.

CLMS is going to become the "ghetto" school, the one falling down, the one with little to no c insistent discipline...the one few want to send their children to.

They're trying to begin a robotics program. All the shifting has resulted from shuffling faculty to allow for someone to do it. They need a gimmick. This is it.

It won't work.  I just feel it won't.